Discover the "Why" behind Essential Yoga Space


I wore this shirt to teach my yoga class at the YMCA recently. One of my coworkers read the shirt and said, “wow, that is a very appropriate shirt. That is certainly true about you.”

I chose to receive this as the very best compliment. Because it means that I am living my truth and my truth is communicating to those around me.

Essential Yoga Space was born out of a desire to empower women, ages 40 and over, toward self-healing through the practice of yoga and aromatherapy.

Essential Yoga Space was born out of a desire to empower women, ages 40 and over, toward self-healing through the practice of yoga and aromatherapy. It was through my own transformation and profound healing emotionally and physically that I received by combining these two complementary medicine modalities. By daily practice of yoga with essential oils, I have been able to release the stress from my daily life, reduce chronic neck, back, and hip pain that resulted or at least got worse when I was under stress. Perhaps most significantly, the combination of yoga and aromatherapy (use of essential oils for therapeutic purposes) have helped me through depression, panic attacks, general anxiety, and cyclic patterns of negative thinking.

The combination of yoga and aromatherapy (aka. Essential Yoga), offered me a path towards healing.

The combination of yoga and aromatherapy (aka. Essential Yoga), offered me a path towards healing. This path taught me how to breathe through the most intense emotional storms in my life. Yoga teaches us how to slow down, how to view ourselves and the world around us as an observer. Providing enough distance from our problems, thoughts, suffering, that we can then hear our inner wisdom showing us the way through.

In the beginning, yoga was not enough to anchor my thoughts and bring my awareness and my senses into my body. When I started incorporating essential oils into my practice, the powerful aromas of these amazing oils created a touchstone for me to be able to return to my senses, return to my body through the captivation of my olfactory system. The Olfactory system, is responsible for our since of smell. The olfactory system has a direct connection to the brain, particularly to the limbic system, which houses the amygdala, the seat of our emotions.

The olfactory system has a direct connection to the brain, particularly to the limbic system, which houses the amygdala, the seat of our emotions.

What does all this mean?

It means that when I put a drop of pure, potent essential oils in my palm, either for palm inhalation or for topical application, and I inhale the beautiful botanical essence, I can immediately feel a shift in my body, in terms of the way I feel physically and even in my emotional response to my environment.

Both Yoga and Essential Oils, have the ability to cause energetic shifts and emotional balance in our day to day state of being. I have witnessed the impact that one single drop of essential oil can have on the mental stress and emotional stress response. Shifting energy from agitation and irritation to calm and relaxation.

Did you know that there are many scientific studies that have found that yoga and aromatherapy are powerful anti-anxiety practices. Also, yoga and aromatherapy have been shown to be powerful as pain relievers and immune system fortifiers.

Don’t take my word for it. Go look it up for yourself.

Seriously. Go to Google Scholar, right now and type yoga and anxiety. Come back here and tell us what you found.

It is my passion to share this knowledge with you. But honestly, the best way to learn how yoga can help with anxious feelings, low mood, fatigue and various musculoskeletal conditions, is by experiencing it for yourself. I wanted to share my WHY with you, so you would have a better understanding of why Essential Yoga Space exist and why I feel so passionate about the work I do.

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